From: jay@zen.CAc.stratus.COM (Jay Appell) Subject: ALINCO F1 2 METER HANDHELD Date: 7 Jun 91 18:43:34 GMT Organization: UCSD Usenet Gateway Lines: 19 There are two mods immediately available! First, If you haven't seen this little handheld, look for it! This is like having a solid little Motorola in your palm. The sensitivity is very very good! I'm impressed so far! First Mod: Open the back of the radio and discover a Red Wire. Cut the red wire. Re-assemble the radio. Reset the radio and voila you now have airband! press the B key and airband receive mod is complete. Second Mod : Perform everything like the first mod except find a Blue added wire. Cut the wire for broadband. Reset radio and your done. More later..... Jay Appell (KA1SNA) Copied from the QRZ! Windows Ham Radio CDROM